What We Offer

ESL Online Courses US is different from most ESL programs. We offer:

    ESL for the adult learner. Too many ESL programs use material that is more appropriate children than for adults. However, mature high school-aged students are allowed to enroll in our courses if they are capable of devoting the time needed to be successful students in our program. 

    Development of study skills is emphasized in every class throughout the program to prepare those students planning to attend university in the US for further studies in English.

    Classes that emphasize the cultural context in which US English is spoken.

    Interactive classes rather than sterile tutorials. Most classes include a News Forum message board with assignments designed to encourage students to interact with each other via this discussion forum.

    Writing, speaking, listening, reading, grammar, study skills, and academic vocabulary are integrated into each class to promote effective learning.

    Substantial individualized feedback from the instructor on writing and speaking assignments with the goal of "doing it until you get it right!"

    Classes designed for all levels from beginning through advanced.

    Ability to proceed through the course at the normal rate of one unit per week, or at an accelerated pace of two units per week for those students able to devote 30 or more hours weekly to the course.

    Affordable rates designed to make it possible for many people to participate.